When I was contacted by Sherry about doing Brittany's senior pictures they were looking to have them done at ECU and plus her good friend Kimmy was also going to join in on the shoot. It's always fun to do senior pictures but I was looking to use locations at ECU that never seem to be shot, if you know what I mean. Now, most time when you are photographing two people at the same time you almost have to use the same locations as you will see here. I'm glad to see you warmed up a little after a couple of minutes as the shoot was perfect. So here you go ladies, hope you enjoy them. Here are a few of my favorites. Click on the images for a larger view.
We made a trip down to the Asheboro Zoo on Friday, perfect weather, around 75 degrees and very little people at the park. We had certain animals we wanted to see but the only two we didn't get a chance to watch was the lion (he was sleeping) and the polar bear. He was awake but we were looking for the fun swimming they do but he wasn't in the mood. There was another lady there taking pictures and she waited for two hours but she gave up, as we did and moved on. One of the funniest things that happen is when Kim and this gorilla were playing through the glass. They would look at each other and he would pop up and hit the glass a few times and lay down. A minute or two would pass and he would do the same thing. This went on for about 15 minutes and we were laughing so hard. It was just us and the gorilla, looks like he was bored so he had his fun with Kim also. Some animals were just too far to get any good shots or hidden, but here are a few from our trip at the Asheboro zoo. Enjoy.
This has been a long time coming as I met Coy and Jessica last year during their engagement session. We had a blast during that shoot and we just hit if off, plus Coy is a gadget geek like me. Go Mac!!! The wedding was pushed back due to a new edition named "Bill". I've got a shot of him in there somewhere, he is cute as a button. They got married on the small island of Ocracoke and I started the shoot with Jessica at the house they had rented for the week. It was a little tight but we made it work. Then we all headed to the beach and the weather was perfect, we had a nice big cloud that stayed in front of the sun for the whole wedding and for the fun shoot we had afterwards. We all headed back to the rental house with close family and friends for a small reception. Good times and a wonderful wedding that I'm glad I was able to photograph for you. I've gained awesome friends in the process. Click on the images for a larger view.