Let me start off by saying I always enjoyed watching extreme sports from snowboarding, motocross, bmx and wake boarding, even to this day I'm watching the X games on espn. For the past months I've been looking at doing a photo project with some wake boarders in Greenville. I posted a message on facebook if anyone knew any wake boarders and it took off from there. After a few phone calls to Tim Moore who was very cool to take me out with the riders one Saturday morning on his boat, we set up a time and place. We picked up a few other riders and off we went and after 4 hours of shooting we were back on the dock and excited to see what I got from that session. The next photo shoot was to have the riders come to the house so we can do some individual shots, some with their wake boards and some just hanging out. Then it was time to merge the shots together into a cool ad poster that you would see in any extreme magazine. I always like graphic design but never really pursued the side like I did with photography. So I introduce you to the first of 4 riders...Kent Norris. I sure most of everyone that is the wake boarding scene knows Kent as he is one extreme rider and it was a thrill to capture his cool style of riding on the Tar River. I had an awesome time with this project and looking to do a few more in the future. Click on the image for a larger view.