When you plan an outdoor wedding it's always in your back of your mind whether it's going to be nice that day or raining, so you sit in front of the tv watching the weather a week before hand and everyday after praying your day is going to be rain free. I do the same as a photographer, preparing for what the day will bring. Well, this day was looking to be a little stormy and as soon as we pulled up the clouds were getting darker and the wing blowing a little harder. But we dove on in and started snapping away and we had our moments where we had to wait till the rain stopped to get everyone outside and take some cool pictures of the bridesmaid and groomsmen but you do what you have to do. But I have to say, Georgina had the biggest smile on her face the whole day, nothing was going to stop her from marrying the man of her dreams. Minus the rain delays and downpours we had an awesome time photographing your wedding and I wish the very best for you and Alex, but you know what they say when it rains on your wedding day? You will have good luck!

Hehe you are brave having them jump on a dock!! :) <3 the shoe pic and candids, fun wedding...